Current Research Projects

Tackling social-and green-washing: is the current EU regulatory framework enough?

PRIN 2022 project, coordinated by the University of Genoa (Prof. Michele Siri) in collaboration with Bocconi University of Milan, Cattolica University of Milan, La Sapienza University of Rome and the University of Trento. The project examines the role of ESG factors in companies' decision-making processes and corporate governance structures – particularly in the context of Italian company law and future reforms at the European level – as well as in investors' decision-making processes, with particular reference to EU financial regulation.

More information about the project


Completing a Capital Markets Union through efficient data spaces: data technologies and infrastructures in a broader legal and economic context (DelCMU)

PRIN PNRR 2022 project, coordinated by the University of Genoa (Prof. Matteo Gargantini) in collaboration with the University of Bologna. The project aims to study the regulatory and supervisory divergences that hinder the achievement of the European Capital Markets Union, to analyse the opportunities of proper data management for the creation of integrated capital markets at the European level, and to investigate the intersection between financial market law and the use of technology for regulatory and compliance purposes.



Last update 5 January 2025